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Help us fight forced childhood marriage of young girls and bring gender equality to Maasailand

In Maa (the language of the Maasai), Osotuwa means “kindness”

In Maasailand, even though women are respected, our culture’s tradition treats women and girls as a commodity.

Traditionally in Maasai culture, girls as young as 12, are forced into marriage, often to men 4 to 5 times their age. They are sold for cows, into a life in which they have no freedom of choice for themselves.

Osotuwa Foundation is working to change the mindset of the tribal elders, and future elders. We believe the best way to help all Maasai people, is to give the same educational opportunities to the girls of our communities as are afforded to our boys.

The mission of Osotuwa Foundation is to end early marriage of girls in Maasai communities.

Forced childhood marriage, leads to inequality for women, taking away their freedom and choice for what they want for themselves in life.

We at Osotuwa Foundation, and as members of the Maasai Tribe have an intimate understanding of the profound challenges our tribes are facing today. We can help our community realize the potential of all tribe members, and see how strong women can be in supporting themselves, their families, and the whole of the community.

Through education, girls will have hope for their futures, skills to support themselves, a voice in family decisions and a sense of accomplishment and dignity. This education will start a chain reaction to help other community members see the amazing possibilities and potential of the women of the community, and help change harmful traditions that have been in place for so long.

With this in mind, we have come together to form the Osotuwa Foundation.